Thursday, December 5, 2019

Controls accessibility in a shooter game.

I was wondering how feasible it is to make a "twin stick" shooter game (a shooting game that uses two analog sticks on a controller, one for controlling movement, the other for aiming) but make it in such a way that can be played with only one hand. I'm pretty sure that there are people without full use of both hands that want to play games. So I was wondering how someone could design around this issue.

Noticing that gamepads can basically be cut in half and each side mirrors the other, the controls are also doing the same. Analog stick controls movement, and the bumpers are acting as modifiers, basically altering movement to allow for aiming or moving the tank. The triggers are doing the shooting, with the face buttons being mirrored by the directional pad on the left. (Haven't added any functionality to them yet, but ... they are four buttons and the pad can point in 4 directions and is oriented just like the face buttons...

(Better view the video in full screen.)

This wasn't to make a full game out of it, just see if i could control the tank and not get flustered by not being able to play the test well enough.